Can a corporate customer use Manulife iFUNDS to open an account?
Currently Manulife iFUNDS PRS is only applicable for individual customers. Corporate customer can open their account by engaging our Advisors or contact our Customer Service hotline at 03-2719 9271.
I don’t have any unit trust account with Manulife Investment Management (Manulife IM), can I open a PRS account using Manulife iFUNDS?
Yes. New investor can open a Manulife iFUNDS PRS account and start investing, by accessing Manulife iFUNDS link or QR code below:
What are the documents required for Manulife iFUNDS PRS account opening?
Malaysian customer:
To upload an image of NRIC front and back
To upload a picture of him/her holding the NRIC close or next to his/her face.
Clear photos are required.
Non- Malaysian customer:
To upload an image of unexpired passport
To upload a picture of him/her holding the NRIC close or next to his/her face.
Clear photos are required
I have an existing unit trust online account with Manulife, can I use the same access to open a PRS Account?
Yes. You can proceed to open a PRS account using the same access. You do not need to create another access.
Can I open another account for my family members via the Manulife iFUNDS portal?
No. Your Manulife iFUNDS access is only applicable to yourself. Your family members are required to create their own access via Manulife iFUNDS to open an account.
I am an existing PRS customer, but I do not have any unit trust account with Manulife IM. Can I use Manulife iFUNDS to make additional contribution to my PRS account?
Yes. You can use Manulife iFunds to make additional contribution to your PRS account. However additional contributions for PRS account is only applicable for FPX payment. For other mode of payments, you need to submit additional investment form and the payment proof to
How much is the minimum amount to invest in PRS?
The minimum amount to invest in PRS is RM100.
How long will my transaction be reflected in my Manulife iFUNDS account after I’ve completed a transaction?
Your transaction will be processed within 24 hours provided all documents received in good order. You should be able to view this transaction on T+2.
Do I receive any confirmation after the subscription?
Yes. You will be receiving a transaction confirmation email from us.
I have made payment to Manulife via bank transfer for my additional contribution. Can I use Manulife iFUNDS to upload the payment receipt?
No, please email your receipt, bank information and Additional Contribution Slip to Customer Service at
If you invest via Manulife iFUNDS account, under the Manulife iFUNDS environment you may make your payment directly via the FPX function.
Can I use other people’s bank account to make the payment?
Third party payment is not allowed. You need to make payment via your own bank account.
Can I view my statements for income tax claim purposes via Manulife iFUNDS?
Yes, you can download a copy of your annual PRS statement from Manulife iFUNDS. Here is a quick user guide on how to download the PRS statement: View here
Can I use Manulife iFUNDS to update my mailing address or contact details?
No. Kindly send the “Change of Personal Information and Investment form” which can be downloaded from our website to Customer Service Dept. Please contact our Customer Service at 03-2719 9271 for further assistance.
Is there any user guide for customers on how to open an account/transact via Manulife iFUNDS?
How can I open a new Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) account? - View here
How can I contribute to a PRS fund? - View here
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